Lam Tai Fai College

Art and Fashion Design at Lam Tai Fai College

Lam Tai Fai College highly values students' aesthetic talent and artistic potential manifested in the provision of a comprehensive mix of curriculum initiatives and all-round student development programmes. Art and Fashion Design is one of our Focused Learning Areas. We not only have provided our students with knowledge in Art and Design, but also strived to inspire them greater interest and nurture their natural talent in artistic and aesthetic expression.

To provide opportunities for artistic expressions and nurture the sensitivity in making aesthetic judgments, we place strong emphasis on inspiring and tapping students' potential in Visual Arts and Fashion Design. In the course, we aspire to enhance our students' generic skills especially problem-solving skills. Hands-on practice in art and fashion design production is therefore required.

Our Warmest Congratulation to Ms Wang Xiaofan, Camille for being awarded the Certificate of Merit in Technology Education Key Learning Area
熱烈恭賀本校時裝設計科老師王小帆獲行政長官卓越教學獎 2008-2009科技教學學習領域嘉許狀


Recognition of Merits


Fashion Shows






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