Lam Tai Fai College


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The Partnership School Programme is a senior secondary school curriculum specially designed for elite student athletes in Hong Kong, as a means to facilitate their dual development in sports and academic studies. The ultimate goal is to raise student athletes' academic levels while allowing them to focus on elite sports training and competitions. Lam Tai Fai College (LTFC) officially launched the Partnership School Programme in the 2015-2016 school year, starting a new chapter in the Hong Kong education system with its brand new support and assistance model. As of 2021-2022, over 120 students have benefitted from the scheme.



To cater for the needs of elite student athletes, our school has purposely reviewed the curriculum for senior secondary students and has developed flexible curriculum practices and support measures that allow them to cope with sports training and learning at the same time.
Student athletes of the programme come to school for lessons on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Except for full-day face-to-face lessons on Wednesdays, student athletes usually attend half-day classes that create time space for intensive sports training. Moreover, student athletes are required to attend school during long holidays so as to maintain learning progress.


As student athletes often participate in overseas training and competitions, LTFC has formulated comprehensive learning support measures for the PSP participants. Details are as follows:

 • 實時網上課堂直播:讓身在海外的學生運動員也可保持學習進度,與同學進行學術交流。
Real-time online lessons: This allows student athletes to keep up with the learning progress and interact with classmates while abroad.

 • 雲端課堂錄影:課堂錄影上載至雲端伺服器,讓學生運動員可不限時間、地域觀看網上課堂影片,溫故知新。
Access to lesson recordings: Each lesson is recorded and uploaded to a cloud platform. This allows students to review lessons anytime and anywhere.

 • 網上功課平台:以雲端收發功課,讓運動員在海外集訓或比賽時也可完成功課,並得到老師的回饋,改善學習水平。
Online homework submission platform: This allows students to submit homework and receive feedback while taking part in overseas training or competitions.

 • 圖書館專用資源:為確保學生運動員有最充分的學習支援,本校圖書館特設「夥伴學校計劃資源閣」,當中所有學習材料都是專為參與計劃的學生運動員而設,為他們提供所需的參考資料。
Exclusive library resources: The school library sets up a PSP resource section exclusively for our student athletes. The resources are hand-picked and tailor-made to ensure that PSP participants have access to the reference materials they need.

 • 小組補習支援:參與計劃的學生運動員可以使用特設的補習支援,以小組形式進行個別輔導,既能緊貼課堂學習進度,又可與同學進行學術討論,增進學養。
Tutor groups: This allows PSP student athletes to join tutor groups, enabling them to keep up with the learning progress and have academic discussions with peers.

 • 彈性學習年期:學生運動員可按情況向校方申請延長修讀年期,特別是當學生運動員需要在海外進行集訓,以應付高水平的賽事,例如亞洲運動會。學生可向校方申請休學,專注體育訓練,稍後再重返校園,繼續學業。
Extended length of study: Student athletes may apply for extension of study at LTFC, especially for those who are required to participate in overseas training camps in preparation for top-tier sporting events, such as the Asian Games. Students can apply for an extended leave and resume their studies later on.

Free school bus service: This allows student athletes to save time on travelling between school and the Hong Kong Sports Institute.


麥子詠校友 (2018)、周家謙校友 (2018)
Ms. Mak Tsz Wing - Alumnus (2018), Mr. Chau Ka Him - Alumnus (2018)  

麥子詠校友 - 體育項目:乒乓球
香港中文大學, 教育學士 (健康與體育運動科學), 二年級生 (2020-2021)
Ms. Mak Tsz Wing - Sports Event: Table Tennis
Year 2 (2020-2021), BEd (P.E., Exercise Science and Health),
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

周家謙校友 - 體育項目:空手道
香港中文大學, 教育學士 (健康與體育運動科學), 三年級生 (2020-2021)
Mr. Chau Ka Him - Sports Event: Karatedo
Year 3 (2020-2021), BEd (P.E., Exercise Science and Health),
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


鄭卓君校友 (2020)
Ms. Cheung Cheuk Kwan - Alumnus (2020)  

鄭卓君校友 - 體育項目:划艇
香港中文大學, 工商管理學士 (酒店旅遊及房地產), 一年級生 (2020-2021)
Ms. Cheung Cheuk Kwan - Sports Event: Rowing
Year 1 (2020-2021), BBA (Hospitality and Real Estate),
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


李智穎同學 (2020-2021, S4P)
Ms. Li Chi Wing - Student (2020-2021, S4P)

李智穎同學 - 體育項目:劍擊
Ms. Li Chi Wing - Sports Event: Fencing



1. 學生運動員經常出外集訓或比賽而導致頗高的缺席率,會否影響升班?

所有學生運動員如需外出集訓或比賽,只需按一貫的請假手續向校方請假,提交家長信及證明文件,學校就會通過 「批核事假」(Permitted Leave)。「批核事假」不計算在缺席率,學生運動員可放心進行集訓及比賽。

Q1. Does taking frequent leaves from school for training and competitions affect promotion?
Students' absence is regarded as a 'Permitted Leave' if they have applied for it by following the procedures written in the Student Organiser with the support of a parents' letter and supporting documents. A permitted leave is not counted in the absence rate.

2. 學生運動員如因訓練或比賽導致學習進度落後,校方如何協助?
• 課堂錄影:學生運動員可在雲端觀看缺課的課堂錄影。
• 補課:學生運動員可於課餘時間與科任老師相約補課時間。
• 補習:學生運動員可參加「夥伴學校計劃」獨有的小組補習,追回進度。

Q2. How does the school help with student athletes’ learning progress if they miss some of the lectures?
Before establishing the Partnership School Programme, the school has already taken student athletes' learning progress into account. The school provides different kinds of learning support as follows:
• Lesson recording: Students can review the recorded lesson videos on cloud drive.
• Extra lessons: Subject teachers offer extra lessons upon students' requests.
• Tutorial: To catch up with the progress, students can join tutorial sessions specially designed for students of the Partnership School Programme.

3. 學生運動員可否於海外透過互聯網一同參與課堂?

Q3. Can students participate in lessons online when they are overseas?
Yes. If time allows, students can join the live lessons online even though they are not in Hong Kong.

4. 學生運動員會否有學費津貼?
成功入讀夥伴學校計劃的學生運動員 (只適用全職運動員) 可向香港體育學院申請學費津貼,有關詳情及申請資格,請向香港體育學院查詢。 校方也提供不同類型的獎學金及資助予學生運動員,申請資格可向校方查詢。


Q4. Is there any tuition subsidy for student athletes?
Student athletes (full-time training only) who have been successfully admitted to the Partnership School Programme may apply for tuition subsidy from the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI). For more details, please contact the HKSI. Lam Tai Fai College also provides different scholarships and financial aids for student athletes, more information is available from the school.

To be eligible for HKSI tuition fee subsidy, the student must be an HKSI full-time training Sports Scholarship Scheme athlete.

5. 是否所有學生運動員都可以申請入讀?

* 須通過香港體育學院申請本計劃,所有申請必須經項目總教練(精英A項運動項目)或直屬教練(非精英A項運動項目)批准,並由所屬體育總會許可,申請方被接納及處理。

Q5. Is application for admission open to all student athletes?
Applicants should get the recommendation from the HKSI before application. For enquiries, please contact the HKSI.

* Must apply through the HKSI. The application must be approved by the Head Coach (Tier A Sport) or the Coach in-charge (Non Tier A Sport) concerned and endorsed by the NSA concerned.