Lam Tai Fai College

Heart-warming birthday celebration offers care and blessings

In hopes of promoting a harmonious atmosphere in the campus, LTFC held a birthday celebration on November 3 for students with birthdays in September and October. The celebration was held at the Cafeteria and Activity Centre, in which teachers and Guidance Ambassadors prepared various snacks for students and sang birthday songs to offer blessings to the birthday boys and girls. The cafeteria is located at the New Annex and is designed under the concept of simplicity, leisure and cheerfulness. Students are not only enjoying their meals in leisure, but are participating in different events at the venue, which facilitates healthy and wholesome physical and social development. We hereby wish a happy birthday to all students with birthdays in September and October.

溫馨生日派對 送上暖意祝福

為推動和諧融洽的校園氣氛,林大輝中學於11月3日為九月及十月份生日的同學舉辦生日派對,為他們慶祝生日。生日派對於本校餐膳及活動中心 (Cafeteria & Activity Centre) 進行,老師及輔導大使為同學準備不同的小食,亦與同學合唱生日歌,為生日的同學送上親切且窩心的祝福。餐膳中心位於新落成的新翼大樓,以「簡約、休閒、陽光」為設計主題。學生不謹可以輕鬆優閒地享受餐膳,亦能在此參與各種活動,使身心得到健康、均衡的發展。在此再次祝各位九月及十月份生日的同學生日快樂。