Lam Tai Fai College

Awardees of Best Class Award received soft-serve as compliments

What can brighten up your stuffy and scorching day in the pre-exam period? Ice-cream, of course! However, would the appearance of an ice-cream truck at the school campus gratify the delight?

In order to motivate students to strive for a better result in the final examination and encourage the formation of closed bonds between students, the Guidance Team launched two phrases of the Best Class Award Scheme after the resumption of face-to-face lessons. Subject teachers and non-teaching staff like janitors conducted daily evaluation on students’ learning attitudes, politeness and sense of responsibility. Winning classes were awarded ice-cream cones served by the ice-cream truck. Our best classes had their taste buds enticed and their sweet tooth satisfied while sharing the fruits that they bore and indulging themselves in the creaminess!

Congratulations to the awardees of Best Class Award!

Winning Class of S1: S1A
Winning Class of S2: S2E
Winning Class of S3: S3D
Winning Class of S4: S4E
Winning Class of S5: S5E


為鼓勵同學爭取更好的學習表現,並營造和諧、互敬互愛的校園風氣,本校輔導組特別舉行「最佳班別獎勵計劃」(Best Class Award Scheme),由各班科任老師為學生每日上課的表現評分,各級分數最高的班別可獲特別大獎。第一階段獲獎班別如下:

中一級獲獎班別: S1A
中二級獲獎班別: S2E
中三級獲獎班別: S3D
中四級獲獎班別: S4E
中五級獲獎班別: S5E
