Lam Tai Fai College


2021-22年度中六級畢業典禮於本校范錦平堂舉行,出席嘉賓包括林大輝校監、范錦平副校監;本校校董會成員衛炳江教授、黃錦輝教授、黃廣威校董、薛天恩校董。典禮由郭劍輝校長致歡迎辭,祝福同學前途一片光明,並感謝所有來賓的參與。中六級全體同學特別向林校監致送畫作留念,圖畫以青蔥校園為主題,代表學校六年來帶給同學的美好回憶。本屆畢業生6D班蘇峻對母校依依不捨:「經歷了六年的中學生活,像看了一場活力四射的電影,雖然要面對疫情嚴峻的考驗,但同學們仍投入學習,揮灑青春汗水,每個同窗都是電影中獨當一面的主角。感謝師長的叮嚀,在此最後說一次: Goodbye and thank you teacher!感謝父母披星戴月的工作,讓我能安心專注學業。」本校家長教師會更為每位畢業生準備鮮花送給家長,以花傳情,為畢業典禮劃上圓滿句號。

2021-2022 Speech Day

Graduating from school is a 'full stop' to secondary school life, but it also is a 'comma' as the road of learning and improving is endless.

On 11th June, it was our greatest honour to have our Supervisor Dr Lam, IMC members, together with our Principals, parents and teachers gather together in celebration of our S6 students’ accomplishments in the past six years. The ceremony was kicked off by Principal Kwok congratulating and wishing our students a bright future. Our S6 graduates also presented a painting to Dr Lam as a token to express gratitude to the school and capture the unforgettable episodes throughout the years in LTFC. Our S6 representatives also recapped the memorable memories in the school. 'The secondary school life was like a film with sweat, blood, and tears. Thanks to the guidance from the school and the nurture of our parents, we all have evolved into capable and special actors in our life,' said the representative. Before the ceremony ended, our students also sent bouquets of flowers to their parents to convey their thankfulness and appreciation that words can hardly be adequate to tell.

Once again, our school wishes our dear S6 graduates a prosperous and blooming future. Our graduates, may this 'full stop' you put in secondary school life a reminder to motivate you to live your life to the fullest and never stop learning.